Let's talk about wallpaper. The good, the bad and the ugly. Wallpaper has the ability to elevate any space. There's no limit to the amount of colors and patterns available. I am, however, embarrassed to admit how many hours I spent searching for the perfect wallpaper for this office.
I had my heart set on a hand-painted, beige dot wallpaper I discovered, but I had to surrender to the fact that I wasn't willing to spend a small fortune on wallpaper for a closet. A CLOSET. I had to repeat that to myself over and over again.
Ultimately, I settled on a peel-and-stick wallpaper from Amazon. There are many benefits to peel-and-stick, especially for a project like this one.
It's not permanent. It can be easily removed if you decide to redecorate.
It's very forgiving. You are able to stick and re-stick it if you need to readjust the placement.
Most are very inexpensive.
The vinyl material has a little bit of stretch which is great for imperfect walls.
Obviously, if you are seeking high-quality wallpaper with longevity, peel-and-stick isn't the right choice, but it felt like the right decision for this space.
So back to the Amazon wallpaper. I made a VERY rookie mistake. Though the reviews seemed great, I decided to order one roll to make sure I liked it in person. Once I approved, I ordered the remaining rolls needed. As you may have guessed by now, the colors were not the same shade. I know better, and I am ashamed.

Panels on the right are a lighter shade than the panels on the left.
While Amazon customer service is great and promptly sent a replacement, I did have to halt the project for a few days until the new shipment arrived.
In the meantime, I was excited to start collecting pieces for the room. I received the Gray Malin art featured in my mood board and I picked up a beautiful accent cabinet from Homegoods. I don't want to show off the whole thing quite yet, because I do have plans for a little upgrade.

While I didn't get as much done as I would have liked to this week, I still feel I made good progress and am excited for what's coming up next.
Wire electrical and install lights
Install paneling
Finalize paint color
One Room Challenge, is a biannual design event where 20 influencers are chosen as Featured Designers tasked with making over a space in six weeks. Guests participants can join by linking their own room transformations. This spring, the Official Media Partner is Better Homes & Gardens!
Stay tuned for our progress! You can check back here for weekly updates or follow along on Instagram for progress videos.
And be sure to visit the One Room Challenge page to see the amazing work of the Featured Designers and Guest Participants!
It's looking so pretty already! What a great use of space and that wallpaper is really pretty!